Monday, May 26, 2008

Tentang Dia

Dia yang g kenal:

a narsist
talk too much
insomnia (which is a benefit for me as it's hard to find people who are still awake around midnite)
dramatic (a.k.a lebay in bahasa)
a poet
a narsist (have i said it before???)
a sanguine
a melancholic
a worm'an (a.k.a cacingan in bahasa :-) jam makan malemnya ga pernah jelas tp naik darah kl disuggest minum obat cacing)
anti kmapanan (are u really?)
a trendsetter
a narsist (i have to mention narsist for the third time u/ menekankan how akut his narsisme is)
care for others
tends to get tangled up in his own complicated feelings
a people pleaser
say too much promises he cant keep
a pocarisweat for my exhausted brain
my "laughing n talk bout nothing" medicine

hectic annoying monday,

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